Friday, August 29, 2014

August 20

The opening ceremony for the Duke Kunshan University took place on Aug. 20 and it was a great day of celebration.  The convocation welcomed the first group of faculty and students at DKU and included a morning of speeches, a Kun Opera performance, the signing of the university’s Community Standard by each student, lunch at a local restaurant, and lots of photographs.  More details about the convocation ceremony can be seen on the DKU website.

The Kun Opera was performed by students from a local school.  The performers were twelve and thirteen years of age.  According to the Wintergreen Kunqu Society, "Kunqu (pronounced kwin chu) is one of the oldest and most refined styles of traditional Chinese theatre performed today. It is a synthesis of drama, opera, ballet, poetry recital, and musical recital, which also draws on earlier forms of Chinese theatrical performances."

"In a Kunqu performance, recitative is interspersed with arias sung to traditional melodies, called qu-pai. Each word or phrase is also expressed by a stylized movement or gesture that is essentially part of a dance, with strict rules of style and execution much like classical ballet. Even casual gestures must be precisely executed and timed to coordinate with the music and percussion. The refinement of the movement is further enhanced with stylized costumes that also serve as simple props."

I could not understand the words being sung but the beauty of the dancing and the melodic singing were spellbinding.

The Kun Opera performance helped to place the opening of the new campus within the rich cultural tradition of the city of Kunshan and the Jiangsu province.  

Saturday, August 16, 2014

August 16

Jek, the head chef of the Fairmont Hotel took Keith Dear, Rey Azares, John Straffin, and myself on an early morning bike ride into the neighborhoods of Kunshan.  It was a culinary tour of some of the local food.  Our first stop was at a noodle shop.

Keith's noodle soup with duck.

Our next stop was to try out the buns offered at a street stand.   

We saw a lot of interesting scenes along the way.  Here is a one man barbershop.

There were quite a lot of people out washing their clothes in the river.

A woman selling a small bowl of meat by the side of the road.  She had a fan to keep any insects away.

Women selling freshly caught fish in small bathtubs.

Our last stop was at a fried bread stand.  As you can see, this is not a health food tour but all of the food was delicious.

August 13

I visited the DKU campus yesterday for the first time.  I was very impressed with the vision and beauty of the campus.  It is going to be a stunning place when it is finished.

Construction on campus is in full swing.  The Conference Center which will temporarily house the faculty, students, and library is not complete.  We will be living in the Swissotel in Kunshan until we can move into the Conference Center.

View of the Conference Center from the Academic Building
Mary Bullock and I were given a tour of the Academic Building.  The Academic Building will be the home for the library when we leave our temporary space in the Conference Center.

Outside view of the Academic Building

Atrium on the first floor of the Academic Building
The Blue Room

Future home of the coffee shop in the Academic Building

Sunday, August 10, 2014

August 11

The grounds of the Fairmont Hotel are beautifully landscaped with miles of trails, an organic farm, and scenic overlooks.

 It's the end of the waterlily bloom season in Kunshan, yet the waterlilies are still stunning.

 The classical gardens in Suzhou, located in a town close to Kunshan, are said to have beautiful waterlily gardens.  The gardens are a UNESCO World Heritage site,, and I am hoping to go next weekend for a visit.

With my experience as a landscape designer, I can appreciate all of the hard work that goes into maintaining such beauty.  Every day, including Saturdays and Sundays, the workers are busy manicuring the grounds.

The workers have makeshift bicycles they use to get to work and do their errands. 

Saturday, August 9, 2014

August 7

I promised I would share my trip with you so this is the first day of my Chinese adventure.  I'm off to Kunshan after much planning and a deliberate decision to remain calm about all of the uncertainty of this project.

It's not my normal inclination to write a blog but this has truly been a group effort to set up the new library at DKU and it doesn't seem justifiable to hold my experiences so hidden.  I hope you will enjoy my observations and photos.  I will try to not be too mundane.

My flight took me from RDU to Detroit to Shanghai.  The flight left Durham at 6 am so we got very little sleep last night.  Michael had no complaints about his early rising even though he has a full day of work. I'll miss my sweet husband and feel very grateful that he's willing to take care of all of the home responsibilities while I am away. I'm very lucky.

I had a four hour layover in Detroit so I took advantage of the Delta Sky Lounge.  I've never flown business class so this was a treat. The flight from Detroit to Shanghai took fourteen hours and it made a huge difference to be able to sleep comfortably.
Mengjie Zou, the library assistant at DKU, met me at the Shanghai airport with a driver.

So, off we went to Kunshan.  The Shanghai streets were crowded and several times I thought we were sure to have a collision with another car.  But, there seems to be an uncanny understanding of who can merge and who needs to yield.  We made it to the Fairmont Hotel in Kunshan without a hitch.

Mengjie has been wonderful! She has answered all of my questions and helped me orient to my new surroundings.  It would have been much more difficult without her help.

I'm settled into the Fairmont Hotel.  It's a luxury hotel with lots of amenities.  It's been good to arrive before all of the students and faculty as it gives me a chance to meet the DKU staff who have been here working hard to prepare the campus.

There's a happy hour every day in the hotel from 5-7 pm and I've met the IT guys working at DKU and Mary Bullock, Executive Vice Chancellor at DKU, to chat about our plans and the progress of the campus.  It's been a nice introduction to what feels like a quickly changing and intense beginning to this new semester.